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Gamer Agents

What We Do

Online gaming is a lifeline for many patients who feel isolated during treatment. Lead Gamer Agents are trained to game with warriors in active treatment, survivors, and siblings.  We have gamers on all platforms.  Gaming is more than just having fun; it provides a safe atmosphere for a child to be themselves, while interacting with their peers.

The following are all invited to game with us:

  1. Survivors of OS
  2. Siblings/Family Members of Survivors
  3. In treatment for OS
  4. Siblings/Family Members of OsteoAngels 

This, and every MIB Agents program, is free of charge, thanks to generous donors who Make it Better.

The List


Cullen Kleftis
Dalton Fox
Damon Billeck
Dan Kenneavy
Daniel Garcia-Beech
Daniel Stanley
Darcie Lynn McCoy
Darian King
Darren Vink
David Gulko
David Jacobsohn
David Padilla
David Robbins
David Seth Wright
Desiree Ercilia
Destiny Rose Kates
Devin Pittges
Devon Currie
Devon Dinkens
Dominic Wittmann
Doug Brown
Drew Hilliard
Drew Thomas Martin
Dustin Smith
Dylan McCabe
Dylan McCormack
Dylan Toma
Earl Cook
Eli Wall
Elijah Aleman
Ella Mae Baumer
Emiliana Rose O'Brien
Emily Del Vecchio
Emily Madison Velazquez
Emma Cosgrove
Emma June Kent
Emma Koertzen
Emmanuel Kwame Agyemang
Ethan Fox
Ethan Perry
Eve Eriksen Richards
Faith Fulmer
Frodi Tuerlinckx
Gabriel Taylor
Gabriel Wells
Gabriella Castillo
Garland Chase Bailey
Garrett Harper
Gavin McClain
George Bertioli
Gianna McKeon
Gina Lynne Schell
Gordon Shields
Grace Marie McKenzie
Grant McGarry
Greg Von Rueden
Hadley Lane Nelson
Hallie Anne Brown
Harrison Hazlett
Hayden Perry
Heath Sammon
Heaven Holmes
Heidi Tolo Merkel
Henry Boswell
Hunter Spradlin
Hunter Spurgeon
Ian Greene
Ian Vallejo
Isaac Smith
Isabelle Arndt
Izzy Martin
JR Burnette
Jaagatjot Kaur
Jack Hytner
Jackson Roark
Jackson Schmitt
Jacob Maloy
Jaden Arroyo
Jake Cavanaugh
James Hayden
James Lipowy
James McCullum
James Ragan
James Schwerin
Jana Wang
Janina Vargas
Jared Cooper
Jared Hollingsworth
Jaydan Thompson
Jayden Isaiah Ojeda
Jayden Lewis
Jaylen Winzer
Jayme Ax
Jeremy Telling
Joe Friend
Joern Wistesen Andersen
Joey Edwards
John Baker
John Gibbons
Johnny Kinney


Loukas Bilotta
Luca Zuchman
Luke Wickersham
MacKenzie Maddry
Mackenzie Taylor
Madison Derks
Madison White
Maeve Smart
Maeve Williamson
Marco Solis
Marcus Wiggins
Marina Petty
Marissa Leonard
Marko Marconato
Mary Kedzie
Mason Ogle
Matt Alcantara
Matthew Ceelen
Matthew McMahon
Max Penzer
Megan Lundy
Michael Anthony Aguirre
Michael Boswell
Michele Maximova
Miguel Luis Hug
Mikiah Beverstock
Mila Ivanoff
Molly Cooke
Molly Harp
Molly Jank
Molly Moynihan
Naman Saboo
Nancy Luna Victoria
Natalie Fleischig
Nate Gabrysch
Naya Sifuentes
Nicholas Urzynicok
Nick Kopp
Nick Spence
Nicole Keller
Nicole St. Martin
Nixon Whatcott
Nolan Zikas
Norov Altanzul
Oliver Carefull
Omar Carlon
Owen Obey
Owen Plasman
Owyn Waldron
Paige Ahlberg
Paige Hendryx
Patrick Akan
Payton Pekarek
Penelope Abellera
Peter Satkowiak
Peter Woodruff
Phillip Spring
Quincy Harmon
Quinn Scharn
Ransom Salyers
Rebecca Johnston
Reece Bittner
Reggie Parkman
Ruby Streefland
Ruta Dvylyte
Ryan Kennington
Sam Blakemore
Samantha Kilgore
Samantha Ulloa
Sara Mae Shankle
Sarah Moore
Sawyer Bizon
Sean Barnette
Selena Amerson
Serena Sabuda
Shae Frizzell
Shemar Jordan
Sierra Vance
Sierra Zylstra
Sloane Dyer
Sophie Ysursa
Stephen Foltin
Steve Bermes
Sydney Agnew
Tabitha Shaw
Taylor Ash
Theresa Illicete
Tim Songster Jr.
Torie Dingler
Tracey Wilson
Tracy Downey
Tracy Richards
Trevor Kwatkoski
Trish McNeil
Truman Hedrick
Vicky Hoy
Victoria Icke
Vince Reilly
Vincent Mokua
Waleed Mohamed


Gamer Agents

Daniel Saptari
Langhorne, PA
Sean Brosnan
Glen Ellyn, IL
A cancer diagnosis is an isolating experience for both the patient and their family. Suddenly, you no longer share the same everyday occurrences as your friends, peers, co-workers and extended family. You are trying to navigate your way through unknown territory without a definitive map, and you feel isolated.
We are here to Make it Better.


Gamer Agents

MIB Gamer Agent Team Members

Sean, Jack, Bentley and Matt are ready to game with OsteoWarriors everywhere!
Sean Brosnan
FACTOR: HQ Gamer Agents

Hello, I’m Sean Brosnan and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of MIB Gamer Agents.   In 2010, my aunt was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, and with a lot of faith and support she won her battle.  I’m inspired to help offer relief through gaming for those who are in a similar fight.  My job is to supervise our agents and to listen. I’m here whenever anyone needs to talk or voice an idea and I am eager to meet everyone.


Hi my name is Bentley Dyer and I am the Chief Gamer Agent here at MIB Agents. My sister Sloane was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in December of 2016 and is currently N.E.D.. Gaming was one of the two ways that I was able to escape reality during her treatment.  Later, I met other MIB Agents and started to game with them. Gaming lifts the spirits of many children and young people that I have encountered and it is my honor to help facilitate the connecting of those who would otherwise not meet.


My name is Matthew and I am a Lead Gamer Agent for MIB Agent Gamers. My brother Mason passed from osteosarcoma in March of 2017, and I will always remember how much he enjoyed gaming, and how it was always a bonding experience for us. Gaming always lifted his spirits, and I think that every kid, no matter their situation or struggle, has a right to have fun. For me, gaming has always been a large part of my life, and as a Lead Gamer Agent, I have made it my mission to bring the joy I feel when playing to everyone or anyone who needs it.

Daniel Saptari

Hello, I'm Daniel Saptari and I am happy to be one of the Lead Gamer Agents for MIB. In July of 2020, I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in my left femur. Gaming was an escape for me during treatment, surgeries, and COVID lockdown, and I was able to connect with my friends when I would otherwise not be able to. I am very grateful to have an opportunity to support others in a similar situation as I was, and I hope I can make the greatest impact possible.

Contact Us About Ambassador Agents

Isabel Wolf

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