Christien Mikhail Quiles Osteosarcoma Research Fund


Christien Mikhail Quiles  was an incredible young man who was filled with love and a passion for life and people.  Simply put he was an absolute joy to be around, motivating everyone he came in contact with.   He loved his family,  children, the beauty of nature, animals and Pokémon and sought to enrich the lives of others in any way he possibly could. Amongst all the wonderful nouns that can be used to describe Christien, the best is that he was a cultivator.  He cultivated friendships and relationships. He gathered the strength to get involved so others wouldn’t have to feel  or experience what he did and was determined it had to be something where others would benefit.  

Christien was a key factor to the establishment of the Teen Room at Scott and White McLane Children’s Hospital in Temple, Texas.  He was the co-President of the McLane Children’s Hospital Teen Advisory Board advocating for the needs of children who are patients of McLane Children’s Hospital.  He was quite the philanthropist… individually raising thousands of dollars to purchase medical equipment for sick children through EXTRALIFE.  

On 27 April 2016 Christien was honored as one of  Central Texas’s Incredible Kids.  He was recognized for his  generosity, resilience and inspiring commitment and contributions to other patients and the Teen Advisory Board of McLane Children’s Hospital.  He was grateful for the honor and privilege to be recognized, but he remained humble.  Whenever he was other patients heard Christien was in the hospital they would run towards him and want to spend time with him.   Irregardless of what was going on with him Christien would smile and always give his attention to them.   As his mom I would grin and say… I have an Incredible Kid!

I want to honor Christien’s legacy by continuing the fight to help others through raising funds for the research and treatment of Ostesarcoma!  There needs to be a change because the current treatment is NOT ENOUGH!

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Our Mission

MIB Agents Is A Leading Pediatric Osteosarcoma Nonprofit Dedicated To Making It Better For Our Community Of Patients, Families, Medical Professionals, Researchers, And Industry Partners Through Programs, Education, And Research.
Supporting Doctors, Researchers, and the Medical Community
FACTOR Osteosarcoma Conference

FACTOR brings together the leading researchers, clinicians, surgeons, together with patient families and OsteoWarriors to Make It Better for those battling this disease.

Annual OutSmarting Osteosarcoma Grant

Each year a grant of $100,000 is awarded to a project that will focus on moving research forward for osteosarcoma patients.

Osteosarcoma Resources for you to give to patients

Browse our extensive list of osteosarcoma resources from MIB Agents and our partner organizations.

OsteoBites Weekly Webinar

OsteoBites is a weekly webinar and podcast where we invite Osteosarcoma Experts and OsteoWarriors to share their research, hope, and innovation.

Supporting Kids and Young Adults with Osteosarcoma
Gamer Agents

Agent GAMERS game with their fellow OsteoWarriors and OsteoSiblings.

Ambassador Agents

Ambassador Agents are certified peer visitors who provide hope, understanding, and resources.

Warrior Mail

OsteoWarriors receive monthly letters of hope and cheer from MIB Agent Writers around the world.


When an OsteoWarrior transitions to hospice care, MIB Agents provides an experience or an item of comfort and entertainment.

HQ at FACTOR Osteosarcoma Conference

The OsteoWarriors HQ (headquarters) brings kids and young adults who have a connection to osteosarcoma together and It. Is. Awesome!


A world with less toxic, more effective treatments and a cure for osteosarcoma.


We are devoted to creating and instilling hope with and for our inclusive and collaborative osteosarcoma community. We do this through mutual trust, transparency and compassion.